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Old 23-09-2010, 16:19
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Thats a great Video!!
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Old 23-09-2010, 16:45
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Really liked the video, great song too, one of my favourites at the moment
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Old 23-09-2010, 18:10
Rottenstain Rottenstain is offline
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That video is simply superb !!!!

James and Kurt in the same frame shot
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Old 23-09-2010, 19:39
manicmoo manicmoo is offline
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Great video - unbeliveable song! Not sure what none fans would make of it though...

Anyway onto the album and it just gets better and better every time you hear it! The obvious stand out tracks for me are SKON, PFAYM, Descent and Entertainment, but I am also loving Golden Platitudes, I honest think its one of the most beautiful yet tragic songs I have ever heard. I suppose it resonates with me as I was 16 watching Tony Blair go into no.10 on the back of the landslide victory in 1997 and remember the euphoria and hope it brought, but look where we are now?

Anyway no more politics! EMG is may fav album of all time and this is really on that level for me.
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:05
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All the talk of this being very commercial and radio friendly put me off but I really like it, very melodic and not as overblown as i was expecting due to the reviews and the lyrics are some of the best Nicky's done in a wee while. Some kind of nothingness is my favourite ..... tho when Ian McCulloch joined them on Later i did think for a second Richey had strolled back in....and the years hadn't been too kind. But his vocals suit this song
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There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more," - Byron

'I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.' (from Sea Fever - John Masefield)

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Old 23-09-2010, 20:07
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Agreed about the Dadrock thing.
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:20
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Was listening to Golden Platitudes in the car whilst it was tipping down with rain but the sun was still shining, there was a great big thunder head behind me! One of those 'life as cinema' moments!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:21
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Originally Posted by UEF View Post
PFAYM (the song) home video
Better than most of the recent videos they've done
As I said in the other thread, I actually prefer this to the It's Not War... video.
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:22
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What Markus was saying about the Manics being a familiar listen. Read a couple of comments about some people feeling this album doesn't sound like a Manics album but to me there's only one band that could create an album like this.
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:23
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Originally Posted by UEF View Post
PFAYM (the song) home video
Better than most of the recent videos they've done
Aw, I love! One of their better videos without a doubt. Also, oh Mr Bradfield... *twirls hair and giggles*
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:36
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Can someone Youtube this. My connectivity is too slow for these kinds of vids.
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:58
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Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder View Post
Can someone Youtube this. My connectivity is too slow for these kinds of vids.
Somebody's already done it, mon frere!

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Old 23-09-2010, 21:38
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I can't believe the amount of times I've read 'I've listened to the album once and I won't bother again it's crap' in this forum. You can't judge whether an album is any good or not on one or two listens, some of the best albums take a dozen or more listens before you really start to appreciate them, after just a couple of listens you can't even remember how the songs go. I don't like Lifeblood, but I could put it on now and sing along and scarcely get a word wrong, this is why I can say I don't like Lifeblood, I know every song and I gave the bloody thing a chance, in fact I still dig it out now and again and give it a spin hoping something will click. I know it's all a matter of opinion but for God's sake take the time to form an opinion before you come on here moaning about how shit everything is. This is the tenth album by a bunch of forty year olds and it's far, far better than it has any right to be, in fact it's rather fantastic, we're lucky, lucky fans. I dunno some of you people don't deserve the Manics and the Manics certainly don't deserve some of you people!
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Old 24-09-2010, 00:25
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Originally Posted by cherrybomb View Post
I can't believe the amount of times I've read 'I've listened to the album once and I won't bother again it's crap' in this forum. You can't judge whether an album is any good or not on one or two listens, some of the best albums take a dozen or more listens before you really start to appreciate them, after just a couple of listens you can't even remember how the songs go. I don't like Lifeblood, but I could put it on now and sing along and scarcely get a word wrong, this is why I can say I don't like Lifeblood, I know every song and I gave the bloody thing a chance, in fact I still dig it out now and again and give it a spin hoping something will click. I know it's all a matter of opinion but for God's sake take the time to form an opinion before you come on here moaning about how shit everything is. This is the tenth album by a bunch of forty year olds and it's far, far better than it has any right to be, in fact it's rather fantastic, we're lucky, lucky fans. I dunno some of you people don't deserve the Manics and the Manics certainly don't deserve some of you people!
My response to the first bit: The album has been 'around' a while now and most people have given it a good ten listens or so, it's hardly the most complex or obscure sounding album ever (not to slate it), THB takes many listens, this is meant to be 'mass communication' so if it doesn't instantly click with people then that's a bad thing on the part of the Manics.

If people don't like it then they don't like it, you can't expect them to force themselves to listen to it alot in order to 'make' it click but if someone doesn't like it based on what they've heard then that's their opinion. You might disagree and so would I but that's how it is, I know I don't like 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik', I've only heard it once but I'd rather eat my own balls than hear it again, don't be so condescending as to presume that people don't know their own tastes.

My response to the last two lines: TWAT!

I don't know who 'you' refers to, but if you're seriously suggesting that Manics fans who don't like the new album and don't put it on all the time anyway don't deserve the band you're a right Charlie, not to mince words

Grow up, we all deserve the band, anyone who likes anything they've done deserves the band, and the band deserve an intelligent audience who don't blindly swallow everything they throw at them, oh look, they do, marvellous.

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Old 24-09-2010, 00:43
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Originally Posted by franny View Post
this is meant to be 'mass communication' so if it doesn't instantly click with people then that's a bad thing on the part of the Manics.
Bull, fucking, shit. Very few songs or indeed albums are that immediate. Anyone that makes a definite judgement after hearing something once I find suspicious. Christ, having thrown the kitchen sink at these tracks of course they are going to be dense & take more than one listen, because there is so much to hear.

Saying "I've listened to it once & it's shit" ain't going to win any respect for your opinion. Whether it's the Manics or George ass fucking Formby.

Yeah, I'm in a mood.
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