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Old 19-07-2014, 04:06
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Just got it a few days ago - like RTF it's straight in my top 5 manics albums (probably hoping between 3/4 just now). Possibly a slightly controversial moment, but ovefr the last 2 albums I've loved the guest slots they've had - with other people singing 90% and just letting James drift in and out in the "grander" moments shall we say.

Between the Clock & the Bed is phenomenal. Absolutely stunning song I think.
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Old 19-07-2014, 16:30
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I didn't want to post my thoughts on the album immediately, as it takes me a while to form proper opinions on albums and I didn't want to give it a kneejerk 'oh my god I love/hate it!' reaction straight away. Then I went on holiday for a few days and only went back to it on the journey home on Thursday evening.

Overall I really like it! At first I was a bit thrown, because all the pre-album blurb suggested it was going to be an all-out rocky, spiky anti-RTF and well, it isn't (I really don't get any THB comparisons either, but I wasn't expecting it to sound like that anyway). But once you get over that and enjoy the songs for what they are, it's actually a decent album.

At first the beginning part of the album reminded me of how I felt about the opening few songs of Truth, as it's very top-heavy with singles/tracks we all heard well in advance of the album's release, but now I've heard the other album tracks more it's less of an issue than the first few listens. Futurology has grown on me a lot since it was debuted on the last tour, although still not sure about it as an album opener. The album versions of Europa and Let's Go To War have grown on me a lot, as to begin with they felt a bit like watered down versions of the ones we'd heard live. I prefer to treat them as two completely different listening experiences now and there's a place for both.

I like The Next Jet To Leave Moscow, even if the intro reminds me of Chariots of Fire. And whilst on similarities to other songs, the intro to Sex, Power, Love and Money reminds me of the theme tune to Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe for some reason and the chords remind me of Rendition. I wasn't sure what to think of SPLAM at first, but it's grown on me and is a bit of fun. Don't really think James is 'rapping' either; it's more shouty singing and it's not the first time he's done that (certain lines on Prologue to History were done in a similar vein), so it doesn't bother me.

The track I'm still having issues with and am likely to start skipping before long is Divine Youth. It's not that I hate it or anything, but I just find it jarring amongst the rest of the album and think it would have been better suited to RTF.

I really like Dreaming a City, Black Square (parts of Black Square remind me of Picturesque and the 'slowly passing always' line makes me think of the 'passing always' line in Removables) and Between the Clock and the Bed. Although with the latter, it's more James' aaaaah's that make the song for me than Green Gartside's contribution (not that I dislike him on it)...and sorry to say but the intro reminds me of an off-key version of the intro to Yellow by Coldplay I do like the rest of the song though; it reminds me of early 90's Duran Duran (something from The Wedding Album maybe).

Misguided Missile has grown on me; I wasn't fussed about it to begin with and it took a while to click. Still think the chorus is much more interesting than the verses though. Also not massively bothered about The View From Stow Hill and given the subject matter I would have thought it would have fitted better on RTF. Mayakovsky is another one that's grown on me, but I wish it wasn't the album closer and actually might have been better as a bonus track. I would rather have had some of the bonus tracks on the album tbh; I love Blistered Mirrors (so damn catchy and rather Beatles-esque), Empty Motorcade (sounds like a cross between something from the FD and Lifeblood eras, which is no bad thing in my eyes) and The Last Time I Saw Paris pleasantly surprised me (although I can understand why that was left off the album).

So yeah, overall I do like it, but have doubts about some of the tracklist placing, which have affected the flow of the album for me personally. It feels a bit schizophrenic in places, but I'm impressed it's something a bit different and about as experimental as this band are likely to get (by other bands' standards it might not be 'experimental' but I'm not talking about other bands). I'm glad it seems to have been well-received by the critics and a number 2 album is pretty good going for a band at this stage of their careers in a sea of blandness like Ed Sheeran. This and RTF have definitely restored my faith a lot after the total disappointment of Postcards. The last couple of albums feel much less contrived and more the band just doing what they want to do...which is all I really wanted from them in the aftermath of Postcards.
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Old 19-07-2014, 21:54
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The Next Jet to Leave Moscow really wants to be a song by the Clash. But it is great.
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Old 19-07-2014, 22:10
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Originally Posted by Borderliner View Post
I'm little bit worried. Because of the Futurology (album) I don't listen to anything at all. It's 24/7 futurology for me since they released it XD
It's 24/7 MANICS since they released it! I'm starting to get people on FB asking me: "What is it with this Manics obsession of yours?" And someone observed that in every FB status update, I somehow end up talking about the Manics within 6 comments or so, regardless of the actual topic. I keep telling them it's like falling in love again with your husband/spouse after having been married for 20 years, and that it'll probably wear off... But I'm just not very convinced this is actually true, haha! At least not until they release a crappy album again.

Originally Posted by Nabby View Post
The Next Jet to Leave Moscow really wants to be a song by the Clash. But it is great.
You're right! Never noticed before...
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Old 19-07-2014, 22:51
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I've stopped listening to it already.. Not because I particularly dislike it, just sorta happened.
Synths doesn't equal Kraftwerk by the way boiz


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Old 20-07-2014, 00:25
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Originally Posted by Bobafettish View Post
I've stopped listening to it already.. Not because I particularly dislike it, just sorta happened.
Synths doesn't equal Kraftwerk by the way boiz
It's still getting the "once a day, from start to finish" treatment in my house. I lost interest in Rewind The Film a lot quicker than this!
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Old 21-07-2014, 13:32
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I went away on the weekend to Edinburgh and only came back this morning but I listened to the album on the way up and back. I'm definately noticed more flaws in a sense but they're not massive.

I think the only tracks that should not have made it are Mayakovsky (Is this the most pointless instrumental they've ever done? I don't like the melody, the vocal contribution sounds amatuer and it is just such a "Meh" moment for me. I don't like "Let's Go To War" as much as I did - I guess the main issue I have with it is the chorus - it doesn't strike me as being as powerful as it could have been if it was James on vocals. That said, it is still enjoyable but less so. I don't think SPLAM should have made it also as far superior tracks were clearly the obvious choice but I applaud them for adding it.

My strongest tracks are:

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Old 21-07-2014, 21:36
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Originally Posted by LadyWoodbee View Post
It's 24/7 MANICS since they released it! I'm starting to get people on FB asking me: "What is it with this Manics obsession of yours?" And someone observed that in every FB status update, I somehow end up talking about the Manics within 6 comments or so, regardless of the actual topic. I keep telling them it's like falling in love again with your husband/spouse after having been married for 20 years, and that it'll probably wear off... But I'm just not very convinced this is actually true, haha! At least not until they release a crappy album again.
Hah, can you PM me your facebook address, sister? When I posted an apology to my friends some time ago (got into the Manics end of 2011) for bombarding them with Manics posts, I got quite a few 'likes' LOL. Always a pleasure seeing someone as 'obsessed', most of my FB friends (apart from the Manics' ones, obviously) don't have any reactions/likes/comments to my Manics-related posts which makes me feel slightly unsure about my mental health sometimes! Is it normal to spend so much time thinking about a band from a foreign country when you are a middle-aged mother of three...
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Old 22-07-2014, 00:40
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Originally Posted by dora View Post
Hah, can you PM me your facebook address, sister? When I posted an apology to my friends some time ago (got into the Manics end of 2011) for bombarding them with Manics posts, I got quite a few 'likes' LOL. Always a pleasure seeing someone as 'obsessed', most of my FB friends (apart from the Manics' ones, obviously) don't have any reactions/likes/comments to my Manics-related posts which makes me feel slightly unsure about my mental health sometimes! Is it normal to spend so much time thinking about a band from a foreign country when you are a middle-aged mother of three...
Hahaha! I'm not a mother of three, so I don't dare judge you. But I suppose it doesn't actually matter what your life looks like, because really this world is only an illusion anyway. Some of us are more clever than others, though, because WE saw the light and found the truth, the truth being that the only goal one must have in life, and our sole purpose of our existence is to find the path leading into Manics Fantasyland (not the website, mind... although that one's interesting, too....). Some of us just get there quicker - and some never arrive at all, they just keep walking this earth aimlessly. Pity those fools...

(Just kidding. Please don't call the priest for an exorcism. )

PM is on its way. And I think most of my friends may actually have "unfollowed" (or whatever you call it) my status updates full stop. Kinda see where they're coming from; I'm not pleased with one of my friends' Nickelback obsession either. Yes. Nickelback.
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Old 22-07-2014, 06:17
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Originally Posted by dora View Post
Is it normal to spend so much time thinking about a band from a foreign country when you are a middle-aged mother of three...
Middle-aged mother of three? That's cool as fuck!
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Old 22-07-2014, 11:43
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Originally Posted by manic cow View Post
Someone needs to tell me what "I can still fill your void" is supposed to mean though, I fear my mind may just be in the gutter
Need to come back to this for a sec, because when I listened to GATS today I noticed for the first time that line in "Yourself" (a song I don't care for that much, so I hadn't done any close reading of the lyrics): "Too many teenage holes to fill." Erm, yes... Seeing that the Manics love to quote themselves in their songs ("still building the bypass in my head", "You stole the sun straight from my heart, from my heart.." etc. etc.), all that filling holes and voids stuff... seems a bit creepy. Just a coincidene? Or Wire being naughty? What do you think?
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Old 22-07-2014, 11:48
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"All of my sins are attempts to fill the voids
All of my voids they are filled with sin"

Voids turn up in a few other places on TIMTTMY, I seem to recall.
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Old 22-07-2014, 12:10
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Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby View Post
"All of my sins are attempts to fill the voids
All of my voids they are filled with sin"

Voids turn up in a few other places on TIMTTMY, I seem to recall.
Oh God. So many voids to be filled... I once went to see Kings of Leon, and there was that annoying girl in the crowd who kept shouting: "Caleb, I wanna squaredance with you!". Kept repeating herself about 40 times per minute, too, because she didn't get any reaction, unless you count being ignored as a reaction. Anyway, I'm half dreading, half hoping to hear someone shout "James, fill my void!" at some point during the next tour.

Sorry, I'll shut up. It's still not smutty JDB appreciation Wednesday, is it?
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Old 22-07-2014, 12:16
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No one's going to fill my void! (says FacelessSenseOfVoid)
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Old 22-07-2014, 14:32
tomd2103 tomd2103 is offline
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Originally Posted by Abstract Unknown Girl View Post
Overall I really like it! At first I was a bit thrown, because all the pre-album blurb suggested it was going to be an all-out rocky, spiky anti-RTF and well, it isn't (I really don't get any THB comparisons either, but I wasn't expecting it to sound like that anyway). But once you get over that and enjoy the songs for what they are, it's actually a decent album.
If anything, I think parts of the album have the sound that they wanted to achieve on Lifeblood.
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