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Old 15-05-2016, 18:17
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it's on youtube
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Old 15-05-2016, 18:31
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Originally Posted by Porco View Post
Thanks for the heads up for Before I Leave...

(very weird and unpleasant download process though, and then the file is just all wrong...).

If it doesn't play for anyone, try renaming the extension to .m4a instead of .mp3 - it appears to be an AAC file I downloaded, not an MP3.

I don't understand what the metadata is referring to either, is this cover or ... ?
That might explain a lot, thanks for that!

Originally Posted by generationpreacher View Post
it's on youtube
Thanks for posting that, that's where I eventually got it from.
I also agree with everyone who thinks that this download process is unpleasant and really not exactly "free" in terms of what you have to give them in terms of access to your data - what about asking people to join a mailing list instead?

But nevertheless, at least they made it available in some shape or fashion, and I personally like the song a lot. Both lyrically and musically. Maybe Paddy should write some more lyrics for them? They seem to inspire good quality music in the band.

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Old 15-05-2016, 18:36
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Originally Posted by generationpreacher View Post
it's on youtube
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Old 15-05-2016, 18:42
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Sounds like IKTZ and TGW had a mutant baby.
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Old 15-05-2016, 18:45
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Originally Posted by Takk View Post
Sounds like IKTZ and TGW had a mutant baby. adorable mutant baby?

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Old 15-05-2016, 19:40
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i'll sing this song until i die
sing it slowly with some pride
sing it back to me if you want
sing it back to me with some love

Lovely stuff.

Originally Posted by generationpreacher View Post
Thanks for that.

A manics track will not escape my grasp despite not being on twitter or facebook but they want to what now:

Read Tweets from your timeline.
See who you follow, and follow new people.
Update your profile.
Post Tweets for you.

Please, he prayed, now -
A gray disk, the colour of Chiba sky.
Now -
Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of paler gray. Expanding -
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.
Inner eye opening to the stepped scarlet pyramid of the Eastern Seaboard Fission Authority burning beyond the green cubes of Mitsubishi Bank of America,
and high and very far away he saw the spiral arms of military systems, forever beyond his reach.
And somewhere he was laughing, in a white-painted loft, distant fingers caressing the deck, tears of release streaking his face.
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Old 15-05-2016, 19:48
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I suggest people with any concerns use a second twitter account and revoke the app and its permissions immediately after getting the download. I have a twitter account I use specifically for all such nonsense.
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| PorcoTunes: SC=fdporco YT=PorcoForever | Time is remembered and time will be regained |
| I know our time has come and gone / At least we blazed a trail and shone | Yes I knew this thing would end / I did not know where or when |
| Take the nihilist out of the desert / Take the flag from the sea of tranquility | But then you showed me the colour of your soul / A communication of your love |
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Old 16-05-2016, 09:04
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In the run up to RTF/Futurology it was mentioned that JDB had been drumming in the studio.

So... is this JDB drumming?
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Old 16-05-2016, 09:43
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Is it possible to download it without facebook/twitter?
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Old 16-05-2016, 18:12
Glyn Glyn is offline
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lyrics are nice but didn't anyone mention to Wire that it's basically just Ritual no.1 ?
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Old 16-05-2016, 21:00
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Originally Posted by Borderliner View Post
Is it possible to download it without facebook/twitter?
Yes. I usually go to the youtube video and type pwn in place of www so like this then i go to file2hd and you can download the mp4 directly to convert to mp3 if you so wish. On that page there's also a bookmarklet you can add to the toolbar which should allow you to directly download the mp4 from youtube but i find it's not always reliable, most likely because google frequently changes youtube to prevent such things. But there's always a way, the internet isn't a series of mirrors afterall.
Please, he prayed, now -
A gray disk, the colour of Chiba sky.
Now -
Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of paler gray. Expanding -
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.
Inner eye opening to the stepped scarlet pyramid of the Eastern Seaboard Fission Authority burning beyond the green cubes of Mitsubishi Bank of America,
and high and very far away he saw the spiral arms of military systems, forever beyond his reach.
And somewhere he was laughing, in a white-painted loft, distant fingers caressing the deck, tears of release streaking his face.
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Old 16-05-2016, 22:49
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@ Tim
Nice method, thanks!
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Old 17-05-2016, 11:37
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That isn't a great song is it really? James sounds pretty rough on this. Nicky sounds the same on every single track he has ever done. He has no range in his voice (I do like it for some bizarre reason though!) and it really shows the limits here.
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Old 17-05-2016, 15:06
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It's great. Wonderful chorus, it's got that soulful-confident thing they so aptly convey. Sound is boring though. Considering how fuzzy and boring and Gibson Les Paul their between-albums work (this and Feels Like Heaven) has been, I'm not super excited about that great rock album idea they had for the next one.
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Old 18-05-2016, 07:57
Phil C Phil C is offline
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You don't need to download it via Twitter or Facebook, or grant any permissions. Just click on the link on the National Theatre of Wales' web site and when it comes up with the page you can stream it from, right click on it and select download. That's what I did and it didn't ask me to provide any details.

Once it was downloaded it didn't let me edit the tags (i.e. to say who the song was by) and WMP would play it but wouldn't even recognise how long the track was, so I copied made an mp3 copy and I was able to edit the tags on that.
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