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Old 06-09-2010, 17:07
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My dad has JFPL on his mp3. He seems to love Facing Page: Top Left. That's all I really know about whether he listens to the Manics or not.

Well I know he really likes INWJTEOL and I'm pretty sure he's given SATT a few run throughs so I think it's safe to say he's a post-richey fan
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Old 06-09-2010, 17:28
Nature's Discontent Nature's Discontent is offline
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The only song I know my Dad likes for sure is You Stole The Sun... He admitted to me once that he 'disliked' YLAINE.
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Old 06-09-2010, 18:30
Nicolas De Staël Nicolas De Staël is offline
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Originally Posted by Deets View Post
you're lucky. I'd say that these are typical pop choices. my dad asked me yesterday to record him Alphaville Best Of haha and they hate the Manics actually, my mum prays everyday I'd stop being mad about them, keeps telling me I'm insane, stupid and immature etc., my dad pretends they don't exist. oh well.
THIS is hilarious , fu**ing funny!
Reading this line made me laugh extra-hard just seconds ago!! ;-)))))) Now there are tears streaming down my cheeks and my tummy hurts really bad!!!!
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Old 06-09-2010, 18:32
Nicolas De Staël Nicolas De Staël is offline
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Oh my god, I can't stop laughing... This is insane! I shouldn't have read your post, Deets!
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Old 06-09-2010, 19:41
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Originally Posted by Nabby View Post
My dad has JFPL on his mp3. He seems to love Facing Page: Top Left. That's all I really know about whether he listens to the Manics or not.

Well I know he really likes INWJTEOL and I'm pretty sure he's given SATT a few run throughs so I think it's safe to say he's a post-richey fan
Glad to hear your Dad likes the new single Nabby!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 06-09-2010, 19:44
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My uncle downloaded some Manics stuff on to his computer for me for some reason. (Don't visit THAT often! ) Needless to say he wasn't impressed. Beatles fan!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 06-09-2010, 20:46
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My dad is in his early 70s now and he enjoys a lot of the Manics stuff when i play it, even singing along to some of them

He likes Stay Beautiful and it makes him laugh with the missing line which he sometimes shouts out (provided my mum's not in earshot )!
He loves Motorcycle Emptiness and Design for Life (often waving his arms like a conductor at the rising strings parts ) calling them brilliant.

Other stuff he 'bops' along to.....
Little Baby Nothing,
La Tristesse,
Roses in the Hospital,
Can't take my eyes off you (Andy Williams is in his record collection!),
Kevin Carter (loves Sean and his trumpet calling him his little drummer boy hehe),
Everything Must Go,
Girl who wanted to be God,
No Surface All Feeling,
Pretty much most of This is My Truth, along with
Prologue to History and
Black Holes!
So why so sad and Ocean Spray,
Lifeblood and SATT he'll kinda nod along to and say they're good without hitting the heights of Design for Life and the like.
JFPL and THB are a bit harder work on him although he seemed quite enthused about JFPL when i played it to him last year, he tends to like the songs where James sings with more vocal clarity and easier melodies than the crunchier rougher ones.
And i always chuckle when he says they're far 'better than that bloody Oasis and Radiohead rubbish, you call that singing?'
So thats my Dad..not bad for a 70yr old!
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Old 06-09-2010, 20:49
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Agree with him about Oasis!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 06-09-2010, 23:58
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Both my mom and dad like the Manics version of "Suicide Is Painless". My mom on the other hand likes "Motorcycle Emptiness", "There By The Grace Of God", and they new single.
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Old 07-09-2010, 08:54
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My Dad isn't exactly a Manics fan, but likes them.
A couple of months back my younger brother was digging through My Dad's Cassette Case and found La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh) on Cassette. He just said he liked it at the time and bought it. It seems weird when I'm such a big fan, it was lying in the cupboard next to my Bedroom all these years haha.
My Dad's a big fan of The Jam, E.L.O. AND Queen.
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Old 07-09-2010, 09:39
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My dad doesn't really listen to the manics, but he always texts me when they're on the radio and he saves anything he finds in the paper for me, which I think is very sweet.

My nanna used to really like them, when she was about 70 she had EMG and TIMTTMY on tape and used to play them when she was doing her housework. She also quite fancied James and thought he was a nice looking young man.
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Old 07-09-2010, 09:48
sonicshake sonicshake is offline
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My dad absolutely LOVES 'The Holy Bible'. Almost as much as I do. When he was being operated on for bowel cancer a few years back he asked me to bring my iPod in for him to listen to and literally only listened to that album. Anyway, post-operation and with a brain addled by extreme doses of morphine and Manics he got it into his head that he was in a concentration camp and that the nurse opposite him was going to kill him! He's fine now btw.

Last edited by sonicshake; 07-09-2010 at 09:51.
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Old 07-09-2010, 09:52
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My dad has no time for the Manics but he's partial to Snow Patrol's Best Of CD.
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Old 07-09-2010, 09:54
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Originally Posted by sonicshake View Post
My dad absolutely LOVES 'The Holy Bible'. Almost as much as I do. When he was being operated on for bowel cancer a few years back he asked me to bring my iPod in for him to listen to and literally only listened to that album. Anyway, post-operation and with a brain addled by extreme doses of morphine and Manics he got it into his head that he was in a concentration camp and that the nurse opposite him was going to kill him! He's fine now btw.
Wow, that's quite the bizarre state of mind, does THB need health warnings?
My mum fancies Nicky, I try and gently suggest that James is more her type.
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Old 07-09-2010, 15:07
Nature's Discontent Nature's Discontent is offline
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Oh yes, and another thing, when my Dad played TIMTTMY in the car once he hated listening to My Little Empire so much he switched it off!
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