I like it but I actually prefer it live. Kind of the opposite with Futurology (I prefer the studio version to live).
It's a brilliant song
This will be a single, surely
"I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound Someone's always yelling turn it down Feel like I'm drifting Drifting from scene the scene I'm wondering what in the devil could it all possibly mean?" |
Wasn't fussed on the live version at all but it's surprisingly funky. Keep finding myself 'singing' Losing My Edge over the bassline mind
It's got a danceable bassy groove thing goin on, with the headphones on. It's pretty fuckin awesome really.
This song has become the anthem of ISIS apparently. there playing it on sub woofers mounted on their tanks and helicopters a la Col Kilgore in apocalypse now
Any confirmation on what James is saying in the chorus? I can't make it out at all. Something-something-loss-and-pain?
Oh yeah, I'd like to know what the line is too… anyone with the lyric sheet? (which is always right. Except when it isn't).
'Those Manics are great mun ent'it!' | Miyazaki-San, Arigato | POPCORN! | PorcoTunes: SC=fdporco YT=PorcoForever | | I know our time has come and gone / At least we blazed a trail and shone | | Yes I knew this thing would end / I did not know where or when | | Take the nihilist out of the desert / Take the flag from the sea of tranquility | | But then you showed me the colour of your soul / A communication of your love | |
I can't listen to this song without thinking of this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_Fi7x93PY
I fuck arses. Who fucks arses? Maybe he fucks arses! |
Great live, great on album, abysmal in demo form
Be fair dude, the demo really is just the beginnings of an idea. It's clearly not a finished song in any sense.
This Is My Truth So Shut Your Face |
I think I'd enjoy it more had I not heard the live version first. That riff is just begging to be played at 11!
Who gives a shit what the demo sounds like..............it's a demo.
I'm not gay... ... ... My boyfriend is |
To feel some pureness and pain
I really like this song, I can definitely hear a hint of THB in there.