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Old 02-12-2020, 10:42
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Really enjoyed listening to the pod over the last, what 9 months? I seems like yesterday I listened to the early double episodes. How different the world is now! It's gotten better and better as it's progressed. I thought the RIF and PCFAYM episodes were a bit harsh at times but still very enjoyable listens.
A question I've often wondered about is how we perceive music released by successful bands - it will always be compared to their earlier works that made them successful. Had an up and coming band released RIF, what would we be thinking?
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Old 02-12-2020, 12:06
Europa Gluten Free's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sitdown1985 View Post
Really enjoyed listening to the pod over the last, what 9 months? I seems like yesterday I listened to the early double episodes. How different the world is now! It's gotten better and better as it's progressed. I thought the RIF and PCFAYM episodes were a bit harsh at times but still very enjoyable listens.
A question I've often wondered about is how we perceive music released by successful bands - it will always be compared to their earlier works that made them successful. Had an up and coming band released RIF, what would we be thinking?
Yeah I think that the comments on the second half of RiF were harsh. Certainly the band front loaded the album with he more accessible Manics anthems, but there are some fantastic guitar moments on there in the back end, particularly Broken Algorithms. And no comment on the Manics thing of spelling out words? Must be one of their trademarks?

Appreciating the love for Lifeblood. What a fantastic winter album!
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Old 07-12-2020, 23:47
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Nice range of B-sides on the new ep... pretty much covered both my least favourite and some of my most favourites, with some other good choices in-between. Some nice surprises considering the limited number of tracks. And plenty of laughs. I will miss this podcast when it’s over.
'Those Manics are great mun ent'it!' | Miyazaki-San, Arigato | POPCORN!

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Old 08-12-2020, 16:27
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Originally Posted by Porco View Post
Nice range of B-sides on the new ep... pretty much covered both my least favourite and some of my most favourites, with some other good choices in-between. Some nice surprises considering the limited number of tracks. And plenty of laughs. I will miss this podcast when it’s over.
I was SO glad that Engage With Your Shadow was included.


"To the hideousness of nineteenth-century industrialization is added the desolation of twentieth-century obsolescence. The Black Country looks like Ceaucescu's Romania with fast food outlets."
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Old 08-12-2020, 16:49
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Originally Posted by Bobafettish View Post
I was SO glad that Engage With Your Shadow was included.
I certainly wasn't! But there were plenty of others that more than made up for it for me.
'Those Manics are great mun ent'it!' | Miyazaki-San, Arigato | POPCORN!

| PorcoTunes: SC=fdporco YT=PorcoForever | Time is remembered and time will be regained |
| I know our time has come and gone / At least we blazed a trail and shone | Yes I knew this thing would end / I did not know where or when |
| Take the nihilist out of the desert / Take the flag from the sea of tranquility | But then you showed me the colour of your soul / A communication of your love |
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Old 08-12-2020, 17:17
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I love engage with your shadow
Need to catch up with these ..only up to the Terri hall interview
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Old 08-12-2020, 17:33
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You leave Engage with Your Shadow alone!
I would like to enter the gates of oblivion with a lanyard around my neck
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Old 08-12-2020, 19:44
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That was a wild and somewhat odd selection to choose i thought but it's a good demonstration of the range of stuff they've done and it'd take another year to dissect all the extra tracks they've made though i would listen to that. To me though most of these chosen clearly represent the era they're from but i'm not far enough removed to ever know if i'd be able to place them otherwise.

The vorticists - they do make some great instrumentals but i'm still sticking by this one as the best, with possibly alien orders a close second even though it's too m**e for my liking.

Patrick bateman - people are taking the piss voting for this, it's just embarrassing and one of the few manics songs i can't play where others may hear it. Not that i'd ever really want to play it ever again.

Black holes for the young - the question is how more sophie ellis bextor could this be? The answer is none, none more sophie ellis bextor.

All alone here - only 2 votes for this?! Diabolical. I had both this and litany on my hidden gems selection, they both have that gorgeous lifeblood sheen and james' voice and the guitars sound amazing.

Engage with your shadow - nope!

Too cold here - anyone else remember the official website public vote that put this on top for inclusion on lipstick traces? Yet the band hate it so they just ignored the poll and kept it off. Pretty sure it was this track.

Empty motorcade - yep! Solid gold manics.

Montana/autumn/78 - sounds too much like oasis for me but the subject matter of the lyric is interesting -

Red rubber - only the manics could really take the subject matter about a bloody reign of terror by old leopold and write a song around it.
Please, he prayed, now -
A gray disk, the colour of Chiba sky.
Now -
Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of paler gray. Expanding -
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.
Inner eye opening to the stepped scarlet pyramid of the Eastern Seaboard Fission Authority burning beyond the green cubes of Mitsubishi Bank of America,
and high and very far away he saw the spiral arms of military systems, forever beyond his reach.
And somewhere he was laughing, in a white-painted loft, distant fingers caressing the deck, tears of release streaking his face.
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Old 09-12-2020, 16:36
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Listened to Terri halls interview today. That'll be one I'll play again favourite anecdote has to be the one where they annoyed her and felt they had to ask permission to come back into the house. Adorable
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Old 10-12-2020, 15:25
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They really should have edited them down a bit. Ideally these things shouldn't be longer than an hour IMO.
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Old 10-12-2020, 17:26
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Just listened to the Dave eringa interview. The shit edit on underdogs that people have been moaning about for years wasn't in fact an edit Brilliant.

Who on here was saying he was shit with reverb?
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Old 10-12-2020, 19:57
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Originally Posted by hummingbird View Post
Just listened to the Dave eringa interview. The shit edit on underdogs that people have been moaning about for years wasn't in fact an edit Brilliant.
Well, there’s a small little extra nugget about that in the next episode too...
'Those Manics are great mun ent'it!' | Miyazaki-San, Arigato | POPCORN!

| PorcoTunes: SC=fdporco YT=PorcoForever | Time is remembered and time will be regained |
| I know our time has come and gone / At least we blazed a trail and shone | Yes I knew this thing would end / I did not know where or when |
| Take the nihilist out of the desert / Take the flag from the sea of tranquility | But then you showed me the colour of your soul / A communication of your love |
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Old 11-12-2020, 13:24
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Originally Posted by Porco View Post
Well, there’s a small little extra nugget about that in the next episode too...
Just heard it oh dear

Can next year's podcasts be with more people that have worked with the Manics please ? Just like ... everyone? Plus the one with JDB ? That's totes happening right? Right? Y'all can't give up now
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Old 11-12-2020, 16:12
chieftan mews chieftan mews is offline
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Originally Posted by hummingbird View Post
Just heard it oh dear

Can next year's podcasts be with more people that have worked with the Manics please ? Just like ... everyone? Plus the one with JDB ? That's totes happening right? Right? Y'all can't give up now
I feel qualified to answer this now. We've been trying for a number of months to get the band on - I'm sure that's not very surprising!

We know that James is aware of the podcast and had a hand in Dave Eringa's song selections, and we also know that Nicky is a listener. If anybody was going to listen to a podcast about their own band it would be Nicky Wire!

Unfortunately, right now, their collective heads are deep in writing and recording mode and they aren't doing any kind of promotional stuff or interviews. So it looks unlikely to happen soon I'm afraid!

I think if the NHS gigs had gone ahead last week we would've got them.

We're looking at ways to continue the podcast, and that will include covering anything the Manics bring out in the future. We want to cover the whole discography after all! Hopefully we get them next time they are promoting something!

Thanks for all the lovely words, peeps. Really heartwarming and encouraging.

Oh and Mr.Selfdestruct, it will probably trouble you to know that these ARE the edited versions haha!

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Old 11-12-2020, 16:19
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yeah but but..... just kidding!
Would've been perfect to get the band on at the end of the year but I'm sure you'll get them eventually
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