Originally Posted by beautifuldistortion
Oh there are a few!
Why though would I want to name names?
To prove you're actually making a valid point and not just misrepresenting the views of people who quite rightly think that PFAYM is dull as dishwater. It's not about naming names, it's about showing an example of what you're whingeing about.
Originally Posted by beautifuldistortion
My point regarding Richey style lyrics (perhaps I should have included mentioning the 'darker' tone music - apologies) was that some people prefer the version of the band that released JFPL
Oh so now it's actually not 1994 Manics that we all want back, it's 2009 Manics?
It's got nothing to do with the "darker tone" of JFPL; it's about quality of songs and nothing else. Alot of people who love JFPL also love Lifeblood. People want interesting stuff from the Manics, not nostalgia.