Originally Posted by y2kyle16
Were they the couple that he sat down every time she went?
I found them highly amusing from where I was (Not far from you in standing area) but did mention that the people behind must be having a shit time due to them - but he was fucking hilarious to watch - what a twazzock.
Behind them was a young lad, must have been about 12 - singing along like a proper trooper.
YES THAT WAS THEM!!! The security guard had a right go at them, there argument was that people the other side were standing up so they should. He said you should of bought standing tickets if you want to stand, the people behind are sitting down and cannot see. He then said that was that- if you don't like it see customer services in the interval- they did and must of been told to grow up or simialr as they came and sat down for nearly all the 2nd half- during the why don't you just f#ck off- they turned round and sang it to us- was distracting but kinda funny.