Very lively fucking gig. Bashed around by the James mosh mob a fair bit. Very fun though. Specifically loved bald guy who had a dates t-shirt on who looked so excited and happy the whole gig.
As for the actual songs. FDTW and Sullen were fucking immense. Definite highlight of the gig. YLAINE was also the best I've ever heard. Had a brilliant time actually pogoing to that one! As for negatives AOP didn't sound great live, definitely a bit dissapointing. RTF although it sounded good enough was such a big tempo change it was a bit jarring and looooooooong. It seemed to take the wind out of people's sails. Oh, also didn't dig their other new song. Europa was excellent, the other more average one I'm talking about.
Have to say though, all in all it was a blinder. One of the best I've been to probably.