Originally Posted by MrsCarbohydrate
Not as bad as bumping into James Dean Bradfield in the street mere minutes after stalking him at his own gig, then bumping into him in precisely the same place three hours later, in a much drunker state.
Not cool.
Who was much drunker though - you, him or both?
If it helps after our little chat with all the aforementioned horrors which we had done our best to avoid by putting our heads down and walking past (which to be honest was never that smart as we've never been the type to dress subtley and blend into a crowd) only to be followed so I couldn't avoid the talking to him whilst looking rough as hell, we then saw him another three times which was just getting ridiculous as we figured we really didn't want to look like we were stalking him so we would go hide/run out of the shop only to safely get into another shop, look up and spot the gingerness all over again - thankfully we had a slight advantage though as his height and the glow off his hair acts as a kind of early avoidance warning beacon.
That day was just silly though as in the space of half an hour we walked past all three of them separately in a now this is just getting silly way