Favourite Richey quote?
In celebration of his untimely 'death':
"Rim-bored. Rim-bough. How do you say it?" "Rimbaud", I say, in French. "I insist he's called Rim-bough. Sounds better than Rambo. Like Americans always say Von Gogh 'Von Go'," That other self-mutilating asylum-dwelling artist... "And make the 'Go' go on forever: 'G-o-o-o-o-o'. It's Van Goff to me. I know it's wrong but I don't care. One thing I am f***ed off about, being misrepresented, is I don't think people believe I read books. I think they don't even - it's all they all the time isn't it? I don't know who 'they' are - but they think the quotes just come with the sleeve, and I don't even choose them. I am not stupid. I might come across as stupid. That's nothing to do with academic qualifications. I think there's a difference between intelligence and knowledge." |