Originally Posted by Bought In
Yes that's true, but I think it has been overdone here. The real lyrics are just as long as the lyrics on the holy bible so I'm guessing they weren't edited as much. On JPFL, alot of the verses are just repeated which is just silly because they were was alot of source material to work from. It's annoying as this was supposed to be a tribute to Richey but somewhere in the process they forgot about that and worried too much about how they might affect the music, which is not necessarily a bad thing but THB is a perfect compromise between lyrics and music, I just feel that the musical considerations were given too much weight.
I havent gotten my lyric booklet yet so I'll hold off judgement but I feel as if I'm going to agree with you on this. How some of the intricate lyrics ended up used in the fairly simple 2 1/2min verse/chorus/verse layout in the end almost seems like Richey-lite when taking in to consideration these words were written following lyrical novellas like Yes, IfWhiteAmerica... & 4st 7lb.
The last thing I ever expected was to hear a song with lyrics written by Richey were the verse repeats itself. But I guess they were moving in that direction anyway with Judge YrSelf...
That said, I still LOVE the album.