Originally Posted by Bought In
Ben is an author like any other. Maybe he is doing this for the love of his art. I think it's really crass that you'd think this is solely a money making plot because it's going to be sold. It's blatant disrespect to judge a piece of art before you've even seen it. Have you even read anything mr. Myers has produced before? You have no real idea what this will end up like and yet are deriding it before you've even seen an extract.
I'll hold my opinion until the book comes out. I'll read a few pages and then make up my mind. Anyone who writes this completely off as a money making exercise is little different to people who wrote off Journal for Plague Lovers for the same reason.
Well, all those points are fine and dandy - now show me where
I said his writing was solely a money making ploy...
I was making a point about
you equating appreciation with this novel and saying there was no difference. My derision was for your comment, not Mr Myers book.
I have no preconceived impression of this book, and my only comment regarding it - not your post - was that I had agreed with Elizabeth's misgivings about the use of the photographs in a novel. So save your hand-flapping defence of his art for someone that's actually criticising it.