Originally Posted by lovecakes
Has anybody got any pics of JDB's wedding? Would love to see what Mylene looks like.
Please don't think of me as a sad wanker, just wanted to see him happy & in love.
I served him once in a pub during my student days. Really really wanted to talk to him
But the spinless girl I am let him walk on by as I just didn't have the bottle in case he Told me to "DO ONE". So my family take the mickey telling folk "THE DAY I LET JDB GO!"
Ha, ha very funny sis. Don't think that I will never live that one down.
LOVE the forum by the way. stay gorgeous, stay beautiful, but above all stay TRUE.
There's a couple of threads with pics of James' wedding. Just search for 'James' Wedding Pics'.
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)