Originally Posted by Parma Violets
I know which albums are my favourites, and I know which ones are my least favourites, but the ones in the middle are the ones I can't really order. There's a big morass in the middle where Send Away the Tigers, Gold Against the Soul and Postcards From a Young Man live, but I couldn't put them in any sort of order. It changes according to which one I last listened to.
Took me 4 attempts and i'm still not happy with where i put GT GATS and Truth.
That said, I think that despite the rather flat, overproduced singles, PFAYM is a strong album that grows with every hearing. I know a lot of people hate it now, but all that means is that in six or seven years time we'll be calling it their overlooked classic and complaining they don't play enough stuff from it live.
very true, though we were complaining they weren't playing enough of it on it's own tour which is pretty bad