I don't think KYE had his best, very choppy and forced imo. I still love the album, but I think it was spot on when someone said he was trying to hard to write like Richey. But while Richey could write something that sounds bizarre at first, most of his still make sense on a deep level... not something that's easy to explain. Or copy, as I suppose Nicky was trying.
And EMG wasn't his best either, he obviously wasn't used to taking so much responsibility. There were still good lyrics, some great lines in there, but I think it took him a bit to grow as a lyricist.
That being said, even though I hate most of TIMT, it has some brilliant lyrics. Lifeblood ties with it, I think. Might surpass it. While I don't completely agree with him that 1985 has his best lyrics, they're pretty fucking good. And I like the Nietzsche line. Though "tiny massive hands" is an odd one.