So yesterday I went to meet up with the girl who is the women's officer in my local Labour Party, to talk about how to get more young women involved. So we go to this bar, sit down and exchange pleasantries, as you do when you don't know someone very well. I push the trackerball on my phone to check the time, phone lights up, she glances over, sees my display picture of Nicky and Richey and shrieks "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE A MANICS FAN!!"
We ended up trading stories of being silly little CoR teenagers, showing pics of ourselves in leopard print, exchanging gig experiences and generally having one of the uber-geeky conversations you can only have when you accidentally stumble across someone who shares your interest to that scary point. We got no work done, but arranged to go out to a local '90s indie night soon. I'm really happy about this, mainly because I sometimes struggle to make new friends but also because it's pretty amazing to accidentally find someone who loves the Manics, rather than deliberately contacting other fans through FD etc.
If I can't scream like a banshee and tell jokes and quote Monty Python and organize backrub circles and put Twizzlers in my soda and giggle freely, I don't want to be part of your Revolution.
Originally Posted by starstruck
life is excellent if you just fuck each other whilst doing loads of coke.