Originally Posted by FacelessSenseOfVoid
For me, the biggest change to his voice happened between 1998 and 2001. Listen to his speaking voice between songs, there is quite a bit of difference. Considering that was 12/13 years ago, there would have inevitably been more changes to his voice since then.
Well, I think that the change happened a bit earlier - dunno when but his voice has been fallen down a bit. It's very noticeable when you listen to his speaking voice. Early EMG interviews he's still high tenor speaker, later he's a low tenor - nearly baritone speaker. This is what happens with aging (Elton John, Freddie too a bit) and with smoking (such a stupid habit), his voice is not that raw and powerful as it used to be. GATS and HB eras are the best IMHO.
But we're talking about many years and it wouldn't be possible to be consistent.
On the other hand What I miss is some kind of exploring attitude. He's just worse and worse (still good of course), but I would prefer him to be more "different" than worse.