Introducing THB to a friend...
Okay, so there's a lass at uni whom I'm rather attached to (to say the least). I've recently got her into Suede, and she knows how much I like the Manics and said she'd have to listen to them.
Knowing she likes Nine Inch Nails, THB should be pretty accessible for her. I explained the whole Richey ordeal and what the album means and she was incredibly interested. I played her Of Walking Abortion and she was in love. My question is, which version of the full album do I play for her? UK or US? A perfect playlist? I'm leaning towards UK; she likes grimy, angry stuff already so the roughness of the mix won't really bother her at all. Plus it's how it was originally released and heard over here so it seems right. Opinions welcome.
Free yourself from the tyranny of objects.
Manchester - 14/10/2010 London - National Treasures - 17/12/2011 Manchester - 01/04/2014 Manchester - The Holy Bible - 10/12/2014 |