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Old 04-07-2014, 12:14
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Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free View Post
Well this is my track-by-track of the album. I'd like to preface it by saying that the Manics are most definitely the critics' darlings. I don't know if the middle-aged critics see themselves or want to see themselves in the middle-aged band. The album is not particularly forward thinking or edgy or experimental. It is in fact very safe and straightforward.

The opening track is wonderful and a highlight of the album. It's funny how the Wire penned tracks turn out to me the most simple and yet melodic. I do think it's missing the pre-chorus guitar bit from the live version but while the lyric is not particularly deep it is admirable.

Walk Me To The Bridge
Joint best song on the album both musically and lyrically. The lyric is clever in on one level being about Wire's trip across that bridge but on the other level being about Richey and the band.

Let's Go To War
Incredibly cheesy and embarrassing. The "let's go to war" chant is cringeworthy. The chorus riff is not much better. The only decent thing about it is Wires bassline. One of the worst on the album. I don't get it at all.

The Next Jet To Leave Moscow
Another highlight. The song feels less pretentious and deeper and more meaningful rather being another pastiche of Bowie in Berlin. The melody and phrasing of the main chorus line is very pretty and catchy.

Europa Geht Durch Mich
The other best song on the album. All the ideas come together in this song. A truly original Manics' song rather than being a cheap Bowie knock off like some of the other tracks.

Divine Youth
Again musically it is very pretty. But what is it about really? I haven't a fucking clue. And why is it on the album? Boring.

Sex, Power, Love, and Money
Another mid-paced dad rocker. Embarrassing on every level. And they don't use the oxford comma in the title so I'm out. This is truly cringeworthy. Seriously how can the critics say this is one of their best albums?!?!

Dreaming A City (Hugheskova)
Fantastic Jimbo baseline. Nice synths too. But two instrumentals on one album? Yawn.

Black Square
Uninspiring phoned-in mid-tempo PFAYM-esque album track.

Between the Clock and the Bed
What is the point of the duet on this? The other fella just sounds like Jimbo drunk. Again its all very pretty but makes little impression. The album is struggling now and I just can't wait to get to the end.

Misguided Missile
Again a great bassline but the lyrics and the delivery of the lyrics are half-arsed. Another boring album track.

The View From Stow Hill
A more interesting track at last. The twitter and Facebook lines are a little forced but at least they are saying something. But again an album track and nothing more. What a shame.

Another instrumental?! Really?!!? Yawn yawn yawn.

As I had expected, the album is being hugely over-appreciated by the critics. I don't get it. Are they all mates with the band? Do they all drink with Jimbo in London town? Are they too afraid to say how average it is? It is just another SATT type effort - all style and little substance. Walk Me To The Bridge and EGDM are the standouts as they truly incapsulate the ideas of this project and stand up to any Manics' track, but all in all the album is an average effort. 6/10
edited - Nicky plays all Bass.
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