Really enjoyed this. Very moving and put together well by Kieran Evans (those not sure about the close ups of the band's faces...I took it as a nod to the EMG artwork). I was particularly interested in Martin Hall's comments, as personally I'd not previously heard/read much from his perspective about Richey's disappearance and all that led up to it.
I liked Nicky's home videos and particularly the footage of them recording EMG in France. James recording the vocals to Black Garden gave me goosebumps; what a voice!
It also hit home just how young they all were when this happened and when they wrote ADFL. I think I tend to forget that. It's a lot for anyone to deal with, but they handled it all so maturely (on the outside at least) and made something positive out of tragedy. Huge respect to them really.
I'd not really thought a huge amount about the Manics lately, but documentaries like this one (and the Nynex gig that followed on afterwards on Sky Arts) just reiterated my never ending love for this band. Sure, they've done my bloody head in at times and I've not always loved everything they've done and said, but they've been with me from the age of 16 and shaped so much of my life. I don't think that'll happen to me with another band in my lifetime.