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Old 01-06-2010, 16:01
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I'm just too excited about all this to think straight

Will the deluxe edition include additional tracks? If the album is coming out in June then when can we expect the first single?
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:01
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Originally Posted by Richey83 View Post
So if the official site is saying order it from Play, then the release day really is the end of June.
I'd say it's an error on Play/Amazon based on some faulty data given to them, or something. If this really is another attempt to do something a bit more popular, they'd be slinging into full promotional gear with it, which would mean that lead single would already be doing rounds very soon if the album release was in under a month.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:01
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Originally Posted by Richey83 View Post
So if the official site is saying order it from Play, then the release day really is the end of June.

There's no way it's coming out at the end of June. We'd have to time travel back to three or four weeks ago to argue about the promo leak.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:09
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You know, I can't say I really blame the Manics for wanting 'one last shot at mass communication'. JFPL was a real love letter to the fans as well as being one of the best albums they've ever recorded. If they were to try and emulate that again, it would not only take some of the shine off JFPL but it would also be boring. Whatever they've done, and whether or not we've liked it, the Manics have always done something a bit different with each new album and that's something to be applauded.

So if they now want to take a last stab at reaching the levels of popularity they achieved with EMG, then I say that's great. How many other artists in their 40's still have the passion to want to make great pop music? I think that instead of people whinging about how this won't be another JFPL or how it will be more like SATT that we should all totally support this. Because if the Manics' popularity becomes huge again at this stage, there is a big enough back catalogue of work for new listeners to become pulled in and continue to keep the Manics in the popular consciousness.

Does any of that make a bit of sense?
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:14
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Originally Posted by Richey83 View Post
You know, I can't say I really blame the Manics for wanting 'one last shot at mass communication'. JFPL was a real love letter to the fans as well as being one of the best albums they've ever recorded. If they were to try and emulate that again, it would not only take some of the shine off JFPL but it would also be boring. Whatever they've done, and whether or not we've liked it, the Manics have always done something a bit different with each new album and that's something to be applauded.

So if they now want to take a last stab at reaching the levels of popularity they achieved with EMG, then I say that's great. How many other artists in their 40's still have the passion to want to make great pop music? I think that instead of people whinging about how this won't be another JFPL or how it will be more like SATT that we should all totally support this. Because if the Manics' popularity becomes huge again at this stage, there is a big enough back catalogue of work for new listeners to become pulled in and continue to keep the Manics in the popular consciousness.

Does any of that make a bit of sense?

fecking quality post - couldnt agree more!
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:14
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Originally Posted by bristarman View Post
All I think of is New Order, unfortunately.
I like it, but it does really remind me of the New Order one. Even though that album is 9 years old now. That cover is still very fresh in my memory.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:15
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Well the official site says september and did say i doubt this june date is right.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:16
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Originally Posted by relic View Post
From the email to people on the official site mailing list:-

Win tickets and meet the band

The band want you to write your favourite quote (it doesn't have to be a Manics quote) on a postcard and send it in. The pick of the postcards will be displayed across the tour and at

One quote will be picked by the band for the top of the set list at each show. If your quote is picked, you'll be invited to your nearest show to meet the band, watch the show and then afterwards you'll receive the set list, signed.

Please write down the name of your preferred gig on the postcard alongside your favourite quote and, of course, your name and a contact email address or phone number. Then send it in to:

Manic Street Preachers Quote Competition
9 Derry Street
W8 5HY

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions.

More exact details about the Postcards From A Young Man album will follow soon, but if you want to pre-order it, you can get the standard edition and deluxe edition from

Take care
Manics HQ

It also gives the link to the pre-sale that Dext posted in the other thread.

when does the competition close??
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:17
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Originally Posted by Lowri View Post
The image in the centre was how I imagined it would be, not at the side. No offence, but I prefer the real version
Originally Posted by BradfieldsLoveChild View Post
I dunno. I like the offset centre composition. But then, I'm a sucker for the rule of thirds...
I think the one aligned to the right is compositionally pretty weak, loses all impact. Looks trite and forced.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:18
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Originally Posted by y2kyle16 View Post
fecking quality post - couldnt agree more!
Well I just think it's true mate. As their fans, we should want the Manics to be as successful as possible. We should want them to be in the public's eye and want more people to hear their music. Like I said, I haven't always enjoyed it when they've done something a bit different (LB is good but has no passion, KYE is a fucking mess) but I still love the fact that they don't just churn out the same old noise with each successive album. So if PFAYM turns out to be a mixture of EMG/SATT then that's wonderful because it's another opportunity for them to draw in an audience. The less commercial records they've done then become another side to the band for the new audience to discover.

And fuck it, SATT was not intelligent but it's still a fun record!!
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:19
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Originally Posted by Richey83 View Post
Well I just think it's true mate. As their fans, we should want the Manics to be as successful as possible. We should want them to be in the public's eye and want more people to hear their music. Like I said, I haven't always enjoyed it when they've done something a bit different (LB is good but has no passion, KYE is a fucking mess) but I still love the fact that they don't just churn out the same old noise with each successive album. So if PFAYM turns out to be a mixture of EMG/SATT then that's wonderful because it's another opportunity for them to draw in an audience. The less commercial records they've done then become another side to the band for the new audience to discover.

And fuck it, SATT was not intelligent but it's still a fun record!!

SATT is an awesome album, only bettered by THB and LB

if they feel they can re create their earlier successes then we should be supporting them!! not slating it before its even been heard!
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:20
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Originally Posted by Richey83 View Post
You know, I can't say I really blame the Manics for wanting 'one last shot at mass communication'. JFPL was a real love letter to the fans as well as being one of the best albums they've ever recorded. If they were to try and emulate that again, it would not only take some of the shine off JFPL but it would also be boring. Whatever they've done, and whether or not we've liked it, the Manics have always done something a bit different with each new album and that's something to be applauded.

So if they now want to take a last stab at reaching the levels of popularity they achieved with EMG, then I say that's great. How many other artists in their 40's still have the passion to want to make great pop music? I think that instead of people whinging about how this won't be another JFPL or how it will be more like SATT that we should all totally support this. Because if the Manics' popularity becomes huge again at this stage, there is a big enough back catalogue of work for new listeners to become pulled in and continue to keep the Manics in the popular consciousness.

Does any of that make a bit of sense?
Well said, I'm all for a bit of pop and I'd love to be able to discuss the Manics with some normal people (no offence)
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:21
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27/09 on now
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:22
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Originally Posted by y2kyle16 View Post
when does the competition close??
August 31st.
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Old 01-06-2010, 16:37
JPizzle JPizzle is offline
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The album cover will make a nice poster. I think the cover is one of the best the Manics have had.
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