Ya are in the wrong thread then
What, are question marks rhetorical now?*
"Anyone else not bothered?" Possible answers must surely include: 'I am also not bothered' 'Actually I am bothered, although I see others may not be' 'I am hugely bothered, and cannot really understand why you are not' ...or else the question mark is as superfluous and unnecessary as this exclamation mark coming up, right now, after these words, at the end of this sentence that I just typed, here it is! *You don't have to answer that.
'Those Manics are great mun ent'it!' | Miyazaki-San, Arigato | POPCORN! | PorcoTunes: SC=fdporco YT=PorcoForever | | I know our time has come and gone / At least we blazed a trail and shone | | Yes I knew this thing would end / I did not know where or when | |
I wasn't bothered, being completely underwhelmed by SATT and Postcards, but I am pleasantly surprised, and I like it. I may even put it in my car....
If I was in this family I'd drink too/Arrange your face/Biscuits!/There is no poetry in my heart/Time falls through my fingers |