Really enjoyed last night. I wasn't sure what the venue was going to be like for gigs, as the only time I've been before was for a comedy show, but I actually really liked it. It was a bit like a mini version of Leeds Arena. We had a nice lunch and wander round York before the gig as well and it was nice to see them somewhere different for a change.
I've really been enjoying the rarer Truth tracks, especially Be Natural and You're Tender and You're Tired. Prologue to History has been sounding great too...for some reason I like how James has been growling "politician" and "mission" on each line. I feel like I'm the only Manics fan who couldn't care less about Guns N Roses, but oh well, I suppose at least it was something different. James looked like he was having a blast with it too.
Not sure if it was because the stage was really low, but my photos came out very dark compared to other gigs...oh well. I'm much more lax about taking photos than I used to be and would rather just enjoy it all (and stare at James

Me trying to be artistic...or something.