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![]() Fall in love, fall in love with me,nail a crucifix onto your soul. (don't be shy)
Hello, everyone. I don't know where it's appropriate to introduce myself so this post will have to do. Apologies if it's a breach of etiquette.
On topic, surely the next anniversary is KYE15? Perhaps a deluxe edition with the album and b-sides divided into the two albums Nicky's hindsight suggested in an interview one time: namely Solidarity (the political songs, presumably including MATC), and Door To The River (the West Coast-sounding non-political tracks, including the title track which was used elsewhere later). Hopefully I haven't committed an unpardonable forum sin by suggesting a deluxe edition of KYE. |
Welcome to the forum and more love for KYE is required. What the world needs is a great big melting pot. Big enough to take the world and all it's got. And of course big enough to accommodate a massive deluxe box of KYE wonderment. |
I agree. Let me also say that KYE has an utterly beautiful design aesthetic to it - one of my favourites. I remember the KYE-era official website had an innovative (but demanding, Flash-wise) graphic interface where each letter in article headlines flickered through the entire alphabet before settling. It frequently crashed the computers I was using at the time, but I adored it. Let me also say that the b-sides from KYE (e.g. Fear Of Motion, Groundhog Days, Masking Tape) are some of the finest the band have ever produced. Bliss. And Ian Brown's remix of Let Robeson Sing has 'JDB flying a kite' on it. |
I flipping love KYE and SATT for what its worth.
The b-sides off SATT are also a bit good, especially when you put them altogether as a playlist and alternate version of the album. I'll be appallingly controversial and say I've never liked Working Class Hero though. And it certainly shouldn't have been on the actual album; especially not taking up space Welcome To The Dead Zone could have used. Also, Red Sleeping Beauty is one of their best covers, and The Vorticists is that track - there's one in every era - that hints at what the next album's going to be like. Outstanding. Should Leviathan have been included on SATT? It's very much the same sort of sound, admittedly recorded two years previously. |
Working class hero is awful. The SATT bsides are lovely.
I have You Know It's Going To Hurt on now. A remarkably moving track made all the more powerful, I think, by it remaining instrumental.
It's hard to fathom why they thought putting Working Class Hero on the album would be a good idea; Red Sleeping Beauty would have been a far more suitable hidden track if they felt a cover simply had to be added. |
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Heyday of the Blood is a great SATT B side, one of their most Rush-like songs.
There was talk in an interview of the next album being a simple rock album, although obviously that could change over time. |
Excluding great tracks and including lesser ones is a characteristic habit of the band. It'll be interesting to find out which of the songs among RTF/Futurology (and b-sides) provides, in hindsight, the missing link to the next album. |
Heyday Of The Blood is a wicked song, played that just yesterday for first time in a while and remembered why I loved it. 2007 was a great time for Manics b-sides indeed!!! That song should be heard by more!!
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I had my SATT b-side playlist on earlier (and have it playing now) and it's astounding how strong nearly all the tracks are. Starting with Boxes & Lists (with has a great guitar solo), then the rollercoaster opening riff of Love Letter To The Future, and so on to the plaintive, exhausted introspection of Fearless Punk Ballad and Morning Comrades, it really has everything.
I should mention here that Lady Lazarus was one of my perma-repeat favourites of 2007. |
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