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Old 05-04-2015, 02:05
Saffy's Avatar
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Back in 1999 when Manics played at Big Day Out in Melbourne i was desperate to go, but as none of my friends shared my love of Manics no-one would come with me.

Being insecure about going by myself and how it would look I ended up not going and stayed home being utterly miserable and cursing my friends for not coming with me.
I also missed the side show they did at a local pub a few days later for the same reason.

If i only knew back then that it would take until 2010 for them to return to Australia I would have put all those ridiculous self conscious thoughts aside and gone to both gigs by myself.

Please, don't make the same mistake i did.
Now that i am older and wiser i wont ever let that happen again.

Go to the gig and have an absolute blast.
13/11/2010 Brisbane, Hi Fi Bar
20/11/2010 Melbourne, The Forum
21/01/2011 London, Brixton Academy
28/06/2014 Lions Tour, Melbourne, Festival Hall
29/06/2014 Melbourne, Federation Square
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Old 05-04-2015, 04:16
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Many people go to gigs or theatre or other events on their own. Life is too short to miss things that *you* want to see because no one will go with you. Some people don't have the money, time, or interest. No one cares that you came alone and no one will really notice.
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Old 05-04-2015, 06:49
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Originally Posted by Frozendiva View Post
Many people go to gigs or theatre or other events on their own. Life is too short to miss things that *you* want to see because no one will go with you. Some people don't have the money, time, or interest. No one cares that you came alone and no one will really notice.
Too Bloody Right!!! All True!
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Old 05-04-2015, 12:35
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I'm just going to echo the same sentiment that has already been said: "do it".

I've gone to tons of show solo and still do ... I personally don't feel too bothered (I guess insecure?) about being there on my own. I grab a beer, people watch, usually have my phone with me so have that to mess about with (surf, games, etc etc) which distracts the time waiting for given band to come on. Also invariably (again I suppose depending on the show) you end up in small talk with someone .. especially as 99% of my closet is just band t-shirts or other "geek" culture (nerd and proud haha) which someone will pass comment on (e.g. Back to the future t-shirt = "great movie").

My mind set has always been what a couple of have people have said: would I want to miss out on the opportunity.

Grab yourself a beer, plant yourself smack in the crowd and have a riot!!
Manchester Nynex-May97; Manchester M.E.N-Dec98; Glastonbury-Jun99; Manic Millennium-Cardiff -99/2000; Manchester Apollo-Mar27 01; Manchester Apollo-Mar28 01; LLandudno Conf Ctr-Aug 01; Leeds Fest-Aug01; V2002 Staffs-Aug02; Manchester Move Fest-Jul03; Llandudno Venue Cymru-May09; Seattle Neumo's-Sept09; Vancouver Commodore-Sept09; New York Webster Hall-Oct09; Boston Paradise-Oct09; Llandudno Venue Cymru-May11; London O2 Arena-Dec11; London Brixton Academy-Apr11th 14; London Brixton Academy-Apr12th 14; Dublin Olympia-Dec14; New York Webster Hall-Apr15; Boston Sinclair-Apr15; Chicago Metro-Apr15; Los Angeles Fonda-May15; Liverpool Echo-May16; Birmingham Genting-May16; Llangollen Llanfest - July17; Birmingham Arena-April18; Manchester Arena-April18; Llandudno Venue Cymru-May18
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Old 06-04-2015, 13:32
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I've never been to a Manics gig by myself, but have been to plenty of other gigs by myself. I reckon statistically I've been to almost 100 (out of almost 500 gigs in my life time), if not more by myself. It's no big deal. Sometimes I've bumped into people I knew; got talking to other people; and other times not - just went to the gig, had a good time and then went home afterwards.
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Old 06-04-2015, 15:58
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I used to have to go to lots of gigs by myself, back when my then-best friend always used to pull out of things at the last minute and I didn't know anyone else locally who'd be interested in stepping in. It was fine and didn't bother me. Once the band starts, all eyes are on the stage and you don't really talk to your friends during it anyway (unless you're one of those annoying rude people that talks during the acoustic sections, grrr!). As long as you can get there and back safely etc, I wouldn't let being alone put you off going to anything.
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Old 07-04-2015, 20:19
starfucker starfucker is offline
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I've been going to gigs for over 15 years now, so thought my experience may be welcomed here. I'm lucky enough to have a few friends that share our love for the Manics so I've never been on my own at a Manics gig. However, I have been in situations at festivals when bands clashed and I wanted to see a certain band when the others wanted to see a different band playing at the same time and I find that 9 times out of ten if you want to get chatting to people then they respond and are welcoming.

Even at gigs when you are with friends I would say 80% of the time we've got chatting to the people next to us. Everyone is there for the same reason and wants to share the experience with like-minded people. And I totally agree with what others above have said - don't miss out on one of the best gigs you will ever see just because your mates don't share the appreciation.

Buy me a ticket and I'll come with you
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Old 07-04-2015, 23:47
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I'll also be at the edinburgh gig by myself...well most likely. It's still up in the air if my mate is gonna take the 2nd ticket or not. So I might be...don't care, going regardless. Make a day of it in Edin & then see THB live.

Aye...not missing it.
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Old 08-04-2015, 07:52
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Originally Posted by Frozendiva View Post
Many people go to gigs or theatre or other events on their own. Life is too short to miss things that *you* want to see because no one will go with you. Some people don't have the money, time, or interest. No one cares that you came alone and no one will really notice.
Exactly. I started going to gigs on my own when I was 16 because I realised that I'd miss out on loads of bands I wanted to see if I didn't. I tend to get there about 15 minutes before the main band is on, and often manage to get near the front without any awful pushing past other people (i.e. I spot spaces in the crowd and head for those in a non-obnoxious way; I'm not very tall, which helps!). Smartphones have made the solo waiting easier, though I find that venues often have rubbish reception, so, if you don't want to be weighed down by a book when the band are on and you want to dance/jump etc, perhaps download the Kindle app (or similar) and a couple of ebooks. Make sure you'll have enough battery in case you need if after the gig, though; putting your phone in flight mode will help with this and still enable you to read a book.

Lots of Manics fans are lovely, as you'll have witnessed here, so you may even get chatting to some nice people. In any case, no one has ever said anything to me about being on my own. In some ways, I've grown to prefer it as it means that I can jump around without feeling at all self conscious - although now I'm aging and exhausted, I don't have much energy for that

In short, go for it! You'll be annoyed if you don't.
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Old 08-04-2015, 12:22
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I always end up chatting to really nice people when I go to gigs on my own. I've been able to borrow someone's phone a couple of times too!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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Old 08-04-2015, 13:45
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Originally Posted by comradestripe View Post
Exactly. I started going to gigs on my own when I was 16 because I realised that I'd miss out on loads of bands I wanted to see if I didn't.
This is something I wish I realised earlier. I wouldn’t go to gigs by myself, and was in my late twenties by the time I did.

The first one for me was At The Drive-In at Brixton in 2012, because I realised if I didn’t go to that gig, I would NEVER have the chance to see that band again. Been to a few gigs on my own since.
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Old 09-04-2015, 20:00
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I'm glad you decided to do it for that ATD-I gig - it was essential and amazing! Maybe living in (suburban) London helped me to be brave enough to go to gigs solo at the age of 16: it wasn't too difficult to get home, and I didn't have to travel further than I would when on a standard London wander. Or maybe I just really wanted to go to the gigs!
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Old 09-04-2015, 20:15
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Originally Posted by comradestripe View Post
I'm glad you decided to do it for that ATD-I gig - it was essential and amazing!
Yeah I'd have really regretted not going. I had tickets for the Cardiff Uni gig they were going to play before breaking up in 2001, which they obviously cancelled...

Went to the first Holy Bible gig in London on my own in December too, had a look on here though and a couple of people were meeting up in a pub nearby so tagged along. Had a great night!
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Old 09-04-2015, 21:00
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Frozendiva, you're so right.

Thank you so much guys, honestly you've put my head at rest - it's been racing. I'm convinced someone will say something or look at me funny because I'm so cagey and anxious but I need to just stop giving a fuck - I'll be so much happier if I just don't care.

So yup, I'll be the lonely, tipsy bespectacled teenage girl in the leopard print coat with a Geordie accent...come say hi because I'm so friendly it's unbelievable. Like a happy labrador!!!

Fall in love, fall in love with me,nail a crucifix onto your soul.

(don't be shy)
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Old 22-04-2015, 14:32
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I did the two Manchester THB gigs alone, and it was a better experience that way. If you queue you'll have someone to talk to because we're generally a lovely bunch, if you rock up for or after doors you have nothing to worry about.

You should never miss something that you want to see because you're worried about going on your own. Never. I am an introvert with anxiety issues and I was very worried before I went, but honestly you will be fine and you will be thankful that you did it. Better than missing out and wondering 'what if...'

I'm sure there are people on here that would be willing to meet you for the queue / pre show drinks etc if you wanted to.
eat the rude
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